Mind battle event “Sidabrinis protas” ended in a tense fight between three teams 3840 2160 Community Seniors Involved International

Mind battle event “Sidabrinis protas” ended in a tense fight between three teams

Last Tuesday, June 22, our organization, together with “Senjorų pasaulis”, invited everyone – little and big ones, seniors and youth, grandparents and their grandchildren – to join the mind battle “Sidabrinis protas”. As our entire “Community Seniors Involved International” (CSII) project, this event sought to involve different generations in a joint, inclusive activity. The battle…

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“Muzika jungianti kartas” – the uniting concert that involved both seniors and youth 5001 2626 Community Seniors Involved International

“Muzika jungianti kartas” – the uniting concert that involved both seniors and youth

One of our project’s “Community Senior Involved International” main goals is to organize activities that would connect generations. These activities would involve both seniors and youth, which would encourage the exchange of their life experiences, learn from each other, and reduce the gap between young and mature people. One of such unifying activities was the…

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Youth researchers conference “Connections: What Can We Do Together? 1536 1607 Community Seniors Involved International

Youth researchers conference “Connections: What Can We Do Together?

Our study “Engaging seniors and youth in community development” has revealed the current situation of senior citizens in Lithuania and the ways how to include them in society development. The results of the study were presented at Klaipeda University in October, during the interdisciplinary scientific-practical conference on youth researchers “Connections: What Can We Do Together?”. …

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Bridging The Generation Gap 2560 1920 Community Seniors Involved International

Bridging The Generation Gap

Have you ever had the feeling that people older than you are hard to understand? Maybe you find it easier to connect with people who are closer to your age than those who are older or younger than you. You can probably thank the generation gap for these feelings. Anyway, dancing together is the best…

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